ur interviewer listens as Elektra tells the tale of her discovery of the lost art Banish Nightmare. The Library of Souls is full of people, now becoming a preferred hang-out among dreamers. This is at the first, and likely the last meeting of the History Group. Elektra is asked if she remembered discovering the Art:
"If I remember? I only just about lost my own soul to bring that back.. kind hard to forget. It started within POR.. as our Prime was seeking a very low number of essences.. it strength grew weaker each day. We help a meeting about it of ways to improve this.. as it was reaching a point that we became very fearfull.
"Tyberian at the time spoke to us reminding us of what was needed. A few dreams later, I was approached in the dream by a odd dreamer.. he scared me for reasons I was unsure of. He began to speak to me about our Prime, and what was needed before we lost it completely. I wonderd how this dreamer knew so much about our Prime.. he was no member of the house. He would only tell me bits and pieces, not really enough to know what it was or did. Just as fast as he appreared to me, he also vanished, leaving me in disaray of what had just happen.
"I return back to the house telling what I had just witness. Everyone was in shock, of course. Especially telling of such an art no one had really heard of.. the old dreamers in the house saying it was lost long long ago.. never found. This got my interest.. as it thought I found a way to save our Prime.
"But how was I to start?? I had no clues, no ideas... I went to the Rulers, stating that we should at the time being start an essence drive to help contuine the strength and growth of the Prime. This we did.. members bringing back essences in great amounts. One day hunting this dreamer appreared to me again. This time, with some news that I was surely not prepared to hear. He spoke ... if the Prime was not within a certain amount of essences within a period of time, it would vanish along with myself. I was like ... how can this be?? He stated, "But Elektra... you are the oldest and strongest SM within the house.. you know the answer.."
"I had no clue or idea what he spoke of. He also at the time handed me a very old and tatterd scroll. Within this scroll was writing that I did not understand. I tucked it away 'til I could seek Tyberian, since he was much older and wiser.. and maybe could read it. In the meantime, I went back to the house telling them of the story, that if we did not reach a certain amount of essences within a few weeks, our Prime along with myself were to be banished from the dream forever. I myself would be placed within the Prime to be banished.
"The house took stock and flourished to gain great amounts of essences for the drive and to save my life. It even reached out to the Free sprits and they helped as well bringing essences, even from other houses. The day grew closer and closer and closer to the given time we had been told to reach our goal. We still were short by at least 6 or 7 thousand.
"Every one worked madly for days and hours.. I started to give away my closest possessions because I feared the worst, giving away all that mattered to me. I wanted there to be something left of me, not knowing if I were to be banished for ever... so all my items of value were given to those closest to me.
"Finally, the day before the given day; the rulers announced we had reached the goal! The house was thrilled!!! We could not believe that everyone had worked so hard... it proved how if we needed to we could complete anything. It showed our true strength as a house and family. Later that day the dreamer came to the house while we were in Celebration Hall with Tyberian.
"He came up to me, stating he heard what had been done and giving praise to everyone.. which was a task that all had right to be proud of. He asked me did I still hold the scroll that he had given me.. I nodded, and looked at him. But told him I could not read it. He informed me that only a SM of great powers such a Tyberian woould be able to do so, and within it held new powers for our house.
"I passed the scroll to Ty, at first he had a hard time understanding and reading it, but in time the words came. Within that scroll held the powers of the lost art Banish Mare. Ty, then finding the words, read from the scroll... unleashing the final words of wisdom that were needed to bring back the art. Then at that time, the dreamer informed Ty that it was time to pass this knowledge onto others.. and hence the art was brought back to dreamers and the city. :) "