Covenant sworn

               ur interviewer found it very difficult to discover what happened at the conception of the Union of the Covenent. Won from her efforts are several disjointed interviews, which she hopes the reader would forgive her. Some interviews were less fruitfull than others, so only two have been included.

Our Interviewer first approached Ayesh in a Free Spirit meeting.

"The summoning of Saggitar. We all gathered at the rings of passage, every member of the Union who was dreaming, anyone who wished to help, and the people who just wanted to witness the summoning. Well, it was simply a matter of everyone meditating intensely, focusing all the energy in the area, so that we could send out a message of sorts through the chaos... into overlight, I assume. Eventually, with everyone meditating the sound of it... the aura if you will, took on a life of its own, growing louder and louder until Saggitar appeared standing on the rocks. Keep in mind, the actual physics of what happened that caused the summoning what I told you, is only my theory on it. He seemed to know what his purpose was here, he didn't know any specifics of the group we had formed or anything of that nature, but I think he sensed he was needed to help rebuild the house.

What was the group called again, before you entered the house? What were its goals?

"The Union, Its goals were to open UoC, its beliefs were to drain essences in order to convert the chaotic energy inside into order, thus strengthening the city and its walls. Opensoul, meaning we placed no weight in illuminated free soul or any other related beliefs as long as one is dedicated to helping the city prosper. We strived to defend the city from any who would seek to do it harm."

She also spoke with Jantoc in a Guardians of Soul meeting:

"It was rather long, as I recall, with a lot of meditating involved. Seemed as if boggen wanted to prevent it from happening... we had to err... chastise him. A long one. We all stood around the ring and Serianth said some stuff and then we waited, and waited."