ur interviewer begs and bribes Belg to relate this story after he has almost exhausted the novelty, but after the taste of an ice cream sunday with a cherry on top, Belg seems to be more favorable to repeating it. Laughing, he leads her to the Sanctuary in Umbric and relates the tale of his strange encounter the day before.
"Fre'y was originally two people who were working on repairing the caudal rift. Fr-something (he doesn't remember)and E'y.
"When they were working, a DM came along, Saaltak, and tried to throw the caudal rift wide open. The two of them grabbed and held the mare back, and fought with it, trying to restrain him from doing the damage.
"They struggled for ages, when last night Yithnak approached me, saying there were two workers trapped in the chaos in caudal with a mare, and needed help.
"I departed, I knew what I had to do, and sought to find them in Horrons Lair. When I arrived, they were struggling with Saaltak. I began to do battle with the mare, when Ceyllynn showed up a bit late, i had bid her follow, and CONMAN as well. After a well-fought battle in which I did thank the fallen mare, he warned us that the dreamers were set free, but that in doing so, we freed him as well.
"The mare disappeared, to wherever mares go, and shortly thereafter, Fre'y showed up: two people, trapped within one avatar."
A Fatesender, and a SoulMaster.
"And a curse, that Saaltak follows Fre'y."
* * *
Later, Our Interviewer seeks out Riatha for her impressions of Fre'y. Riatha was one of the first to speak with and calm Fre'y after their return to the dream.
"Fre'y was quite distraught when we spoke, they felt that the Dreamers had abandoned them to hold alone in the Rift. They did not understand that Devastation had taken most of the Dreamers and that none were remaining that knew they were there.
"I explained to them that this was the Tale of the Great Loss, and they then seemed to become less agitated. They spoke of the difficulty of holding there alone for so long. One part seemed to feel defensive, angry at the Desertion; while the other seemed to feel great remorse at their failure...
"And in Fre'y there is a duality that is plain to see, but a third is linked to that, less clear to see, that walks like a shadow beside the two. This I did see as I spoke to Fre'y. Beside...perhaps to say in their wake is more accurate...following, and yet linked."
* * *
And here I break from my silence to chronicle a third tale of Fr'ey and Saaltak, a song that depicts the recent events of this story and brings it to a tentative conclusion. Please open this tome to read Invictus' song: