Valorin's story

Valourin is one of my favorite dreamers. He always has such interesting and unique stories to share, probably why he is credited so many times within my little book. He gracefully took time to tell this story, and although I cannot seem to remember when or where it happened, I value it as one of the best little gems I have. He has dreamed a profoundly long time, and is one of the last to experience and share history from the earliest days of post-great-loss history.

"I was befriended by a young woman named Tiger in here in the dream, and we became close. She advanced rapidly and so was a target of others, and I had heard some threaten her if she got third sphere, well she did get it and then went to talk to yog-ka, not a terrible thing in itself but some of the people that threatened her were there too. Snowblind and I decided to make sure she was all right so went in there, as I was asking her if she was alright Yog-Ka began to evoke, razorwind I believe it was, if not then firestorm. Well I left, feeling very hurt that she would be in there talking to such a man and went back to the house feeling very depressed. "

"I missed something important. After I had begun to get to know her but before she got third sphere we had a vote in the house on the first Ruler. Maker kept tally of it and Snowblind and Tiger came on the day it was to be announced. First Watcher was named as the one with most votes then, they said they wanted another and Maker told who had gotten second most votes by one number and that was me. I tried to make sure they wanted me since I was still becoming a mare at random, but the house did want me...

"Back to where I had just gone to the house depressed. I spent some time there trying to be a good ruler, but my heart was not in it so I began to walk down the mountain, on my way down I met Tiger coming up, she was upset that she had hurt me. Then Shade showed up and wanted to talk to her about something and me about the razorwinding, so we went to a cave and had a long talk with Shade. Yog-ka appeared partway through it and I almost attacked him and he noticed and made some rude comment so I pointed out he had already attacked me twice in the first two times I had met him. Then Tiger gave him back his amulet and said she could not keep it because it upset me. He disappeared, we talked to shade a little longer, yog-ka came back and said he would leave the dream and destroyed a bunch of things in front of us before leaving.

"I was touched by what Tiger had done and we got closer until we decided to get married, the first wedding in the dream since it had reopened. Between our announcement of it and the date though, we came up with a plan to save Manido, I am not sure who came up with it, I know Snow was involved but we chased Scarwind around Edgeward until we trapped him with wards then we collapsed him, while an army moved on him in Cloudsbreak, we beat him and he was slain.

"Manido entered the dream for the first time in a long, long time and as he was more or less Tiger's adoptive father we rejoiced. He helped to plan our wedding as well. We were married, it was a large affair with members of both houses and all active lyrans there.

"I believe we moved closer and closer to the Great Awakening until suddenly it was upon us and we were flooded, I spent many hours a day in threshold greeting and explaining the dream and our house to newly awakened. All of the houses had a agreed to not initiate anyone for a week. Well I spent time getting to know some of the newly awakened, especially those interested in DoL. The day that the week was over, at midnight of that night I remember initiating three people at the same time, one was named Adrenfreak, I don't remember the second, and the third, Munchkin, actually had the audicity to storm during the initiation. Things calmed down for a bit, people trickled in and some left, then the first Chaos Eclipse came...

"Tiger had become pregnant and as her pregnancy went along I fought still with my transformations into a mare, which seemed to be growing stronger. At first I would not attack people, only evoke arts on them but I left that behind and began to attack them. About this time a dreamer brough the Orb of Calenture to our house. Only Wraith and I were there at the time so we quickly hid it, telling no one else that we had it. We worked together to drain all six thousand strength from it.

" Well HC decided to test to see if we had it, and Ghea, who they said was under an evil spell, kidnapped my pregnant wife. They thought we would just admit to having it and hand it over, but I was a little upset so I, with watcher, attacked their house, a few others trickled in to help. We were doing pretty good, except of course HC had a sanc nearby that they could use to restore themselves and we could not, so after a time we were collapsed. Well they asked, and.... even with my wife and kids in danger I did not lie exactly but I bent their words so that I could avoid answering..."

"Well it worked and most of HC wanted to just let us go, but not Ghea, when it was only her stopping it I accepted restore and stood between her and Tiger. She threatened to use a spell form a book she had to send my children into the chaos... she started the spelll and I tried to stop her but she got it off before that... Tiger was freed, but we did not know for sure how to save the children, if it was possible. So I decided to do the only thing I could think of and I went ot caudal rift and and entered the chaos myself, after a very long and difficult struggle I was able to find them, or their souls...and free them, luckily it worked...

"On about the day we expected to deliver the children I changed into a mare again and did the one thing I had never done before... I attacked her... when I came to and figured out what I had done... I wanted to kill myself, I threw away my shield and just using my blade chased after the two dark mares dreaming at the time, alone. I don't know how many times I got collapsed, everytime I was I got restored and ran back... mindless in grief until they left...

"Then I was going to throw myself from Camp of Kings out of the city... and as I was going to Tiger came in and handed me my son Krieger, with the little bundle in my arms I could not think of jumping especially when she turned to go.... she stopped turned to look at me and said to me that my daughter was dead before turning to walk away again..."

"I chased after her to find out what had happened... when I had attacked her I knocked her down and she hit her stomach on a rock... killing the unborn girl...I could not keep the boy, I did not know when I would change or what I would do when I did, and she did not want to at the time in her grief, so I asked Phantom to watch him. I came to OSM thresh to see him later that day... I remember it well... I walked in, and before I could even say anything Kia said something about a murderer just walking in..."

"Well I did learn to control the change into mare form after that...too late... and Tiger and I did get back together though I don't think she ever fully forgave me for Katriana.

This is Valourin's full story up until several years ago. It is packed full of early history.

ancient tome