APPENDIX B : Flash333's Scrolls

Leadership and Power
A Ripple under the Bridge of Wishes
The flowers for Underlight
Goals vs. Purpose
A Poem of Peace
The Day of the Extreme Jump
The Legend of the Gathering of the Entranced
Leadership and Power
As I contemplate in Threshold Pits….
As I look again on the Hands of friends…
In the Study of Renrut Nek….
One thought bothering me to no end…
“Leadership and Power are so easy to abuse”
“The sharp tongue flows more often than kindness”…
“And Arts and Positions so easy to misuse…”
But I looked deeply into the Mural and took a rest
And the remembrance of a Dreamwight came gently into my mind..Spinning my
thoughts Round and Round
How Theofanes both believed and lived as a dreamer…
[“That only through Peace, could the true path of concordance in the City be
found”] 1
“Should this not be the goal of all Dreamers”
“Should not Forgiveness be first in each Heart”
And the Voice of Peace penetrated the very walls of the Dream
“Time and Space will not keep true Friends apart”
“How does the water flow in a Stream?”
“Does not the Wind know when to Stop and Start?…”
“If this be so will not the Creator look out for the Dreamers of Peace…”
Then I knew that all Good Leadership and Power in Underlight would be those
who practice forgiveness and Peace, Peace, Peace…..
[Quote 1 taken from “Another Antidote History from Balthiir Posted by
Hunter…..Thanks to them Dreamers like Theofanes are not forgotten ]
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet
As I walk through the Waterfall in the Slopes of Choregan… Even changes in
temperature of the water do not distract ny thoughts.
I ponder each event again and again…
Remembering what my friends have taught
I stare into the water, into the different shades of Light..
Remembering the Smiles, the words, the Greetings…
The times spent in the Dream, the days, the Nights…
of all the events and the glorious Meetings….
Then off I run through Grehatio’s Cavern…
Through it’s shades of reds, blacks, browns and blues…
Picking up speed with energy to burn…
Stopping in the Hall of Acigot to rest for a minute or two
And I whispered into the Southeastern Sky..
“May all Journeys Lead to many Friends”
and a whisper came back “always try”, “always try”
“For Friends are friends are friends"
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet
A Ripple Under the Bridge of Wishes
I looked deeply into the Shades of Gray…
The Murals on the side of the Bridge long since faded….
With such evidence would the Judgement of its History stray…??
Would viewers see it’s past as righteous or jaded????
With the view obscured even under the lightly radiant light…
Then standing on the Bridge of Wishes I made this request…
“May all Judgements allow for wrongs to be made right..”
“May all dreamers help each other through each test..”
And I gazed at each level of Green….
At the ripples in the water and deep into it’s Blue….
And a voice whispered “Give what you can to the dream”
“If you drop a stone into the water will its ripples not be true”
Then I knew each dreamer could cause a Ripple, cause a Ripple, a
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet
The Flowers of Underlight
I looked at the Petals all over the Ground
where I had so carelessly stepped only moments ago
Thoughts spun trough my head round and round
why had my feet been so fast and my mind so slow
I had destroyed a thing of Beauty in Trinity Plains
I retrace my steps along The Turning Way…
To head for a sanctuary to escape from my Pain
Could I find solace there for the Day??
Then a Voice of comfort reached my Ears
“For a moment in time you spread the seeds”
“Despite all your doubts, despite all your fears”
“All who dream can meat a Need”
“for without a day can there be a Year???”
Now when I see the Flowers of Underlight
I see it as a City of hope, a place or Dreams…
Were all can wonder at the Sights….
And still play a part no matter how it seams….
each dreamer a place in its History….
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet
Goals vs. Purpose
As I travel the water Tunnels in the Basin..
I miss the splash of days of yore
I remember the Quest for Peace and Freedom
Is Less sometimes more???
I seek out the far edges of the Dream…
Can my purpose in the dream serve my Quest my Goal??/
When others question your purpose, what does that mean??
Do not always let others determine the meaning of Full..
As I sit at the Far edges of Underlight…
I meditate on Goals versus Purpose…
Which path will most be right???
And I whispered into the dream “What should determine my purpose” And the
Voice of Knowledge Pierced the Fabric of the Dream..
“If a thousand opposed you would that make them right???”
“For who can oppose the forces that make a river out of a stream..??”
“But if you can ride in unison with the river you will win your Fight.”
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet..
A Poem of Peace
I saw high in the sky a star Sapphire….
AS I listened in the Southwest Ring, I heard
a song of Peace.
How the skies seamed to expand as
my heart burned with fire.
a passion for this Quest, this quest of truth
this quest of Peace
As I watch each pair of leafs gently touching
on the pillars of stone…
I then went to Cholok’s Temple,and looked again on the Cat’s and Rat’s now a
place of peace and for both a home..
Then I walked back to the Sapphire I thought imagine that .
As I watched the stars in the eastern sky they became as an overturned bowl.
Pouring out Mists of Protection all around.
Again the song of Peace reached deep into my Soul.. as I strived to listen and
make nary a sound..
Then I got up and ran all the way to the Field of friends..
Past its Green fields all the way to upper Basin Sanctuary
There I meditated then cried out “why can’t enemies be friends”
Why does it take so long… why does Peace Tarry..???
And then I walked through the Wall.
Then a voice whispered to me “You can walk through a wall if it is meant to be.”
Then the whisper became a call…
“You can walk through walls if it is your Destiny”…
“But if you help one enemy through the Door”
Is that not a greater deed?…
For Peace takes not less effort but more”…
“For you must open your spiritual eyes if you want to see.”
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet..
The Day of the Extreme Jump
It was there at threshold way in Edgeward Barrows…
That I watched two dreamers take a Leap of Faith…
Climbing to make a tomorrow…
For with each jump a dreamer does take….
They reach for the Clouds….
Then off through Lower Umbric Plains I wandered…
To see the Floating Rocks..and to avoid the crowds…
To view the Dream, to Meditate, to Ponder…..
And I heard this song on the wind…
“Dreamers” “Dreamers”
“Follow you heart”
“For all of Creation has its part…”
“Dreamers” “Dreamers”
“Follow your heart”
Then I knew that for each dreamer there is a song in the wind.
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet..
The Legend of the Gathering of the Entranced
I saw a procession on the Bridge of Memories, each dreamer with a smile
walking toward the Monastery… On a Pilgrimage to the Gathering of the
Entranced, from the many places of Cloudsbreak they came.. To the Monastery
that held out hope to those who came to the dream to fellowship and be
Merry… Many peaceful pilgrims camped in Basin of the Stars, each dreamer
both different but the same The land of wonder, delight, and Rapture had a
place in each of their hearts….
The travelers built many places in which to meet and share equally
The Main Hall, Commons Hall, and Neutral Home they built in hopes all
dreamers would take a Part.
So, when you walk where they walked remember Basins past.when dreamers
roamed a land as equals, equals equals…
And I thought of the Giant Blue frogs and other creatures that once roamed the
dream….. The murals of which a friend pointed out many dreams ago… And a
song came upon the breeze, and traveled the currents in the stream….
“As you look into the Star, as you look into its Glow”
“Remember each dreamer and every Legend they Tell”
“For Legends will continue as long as they are told”
flash333 freespirit dreamseer Philosopher and sometimes Poet..