Boggen's tale of the Great Loss

               ur interviewer stumbles into Boggen in the Library of Souls while enjoying an evening of exploration and talk with friends. Boggen places wards on the portal to Corrupted way to keep dreamers from attacking his bogrom, and cheerfully bounces through the room with a flask and cup in hand. Our interviewer stops and asks Boggen to share an event that he feels was a major turning point for the dream. Boggen considers for a while, and finally as he begins this story, the room goes silent.

"Far far ago the dream was but small, as the walls could only hold so much before the blow. When the walls went, all went as they were abrubtly awoken.

"As time went by the walls become more firm, and stronger, as the souls within to learn how to manipulate them. No one knew what to do, execpt to explore and to find where the weakess spots in the walls were. Finaly they thought they fixed all little gabs that held a soul to torment of a nasty nasty awakening.

"During these times, as time was very short for all ones began to stay and study, what they knew were safe places from blow outs, and began trying to form what they could through their thoughts. Many many things become of these. They were strong in the mind, and body and soul within the dream, but they were not strong enough.

"Soon came upon them all the mightest blow out of them all. The dream itself exploded, tearing many away from the dream. Through long talkings with others it came to a time when almost all were able to came back to a dream, but to a dream that has cursed them to this day. Many of them that were cursed have fallen to another realm, some by choice some not. Soon a new risen broke through, still the curse of old still laying around, in those that still mange to survive it. So weak in nature allow the curse to spread throughtout. Many days passed, weeks passed, and soon came one that might just have the unquieness to withstand the curse, as this dreamer went about studying as he did to find this cure of this.

"He found many secrets hidden within the camaflague so many run over and spit on to this day such as the totality valley. As the spirits of floating land reveal letters of spoken words, laying within the shadows about. Many have seen but only few know; nothing at all, who they are, and where they are...

"No one knows..maybe long ago if you knew the "the evil stranger" maybe you would know."

Boggen ends with a bow, and is met with applause from those present.

"One note... Who here, or any one of the dream, is realy from the long ago past of this city before the so called dream wars?"

Thuberg whispers to our Interviewer:

"I feel he thinks I am. But as my story tells, I am not an ancient one."