APPENDIX B : Kard Wylder's Scrolls
Theory: The Geoformation of the Ossuary of Dread
The Commoner of the Dream
I’ll start by introducing myself... The name Kard, Kard Wylder, Professional Commoner and nothing more, that I’ll claim at least... I suppose I should tell you a little of my background... Hard to say what to go into... Hmmm, it’s hard to decided what I should tell you and what is best left unsaid... I'll start with my earliest memories, of my parents, or at least who I think were my parents, that seems like a good start... They were a pair of overly energetic people that wanted to do only one thing in their lives... Fly... My memories are distant but they would work day and night on contraptions that were supposed to let us soar with the birds... They failed more often than not... But as much as I remember, there was one time they succeeded, in a sense of the word, and took me up with them, which resulted in my waking up in a camp of gypsies, which is truly where my life started...
That day I will never forget... On that bedding that smelt of campfire... I was still very young, five years old by a guess, and I was surrounded by at least a dozen children my own age prodding me and making bets about when I would wake up... Makes me laugh to look back and remember it... Anyways, my soon to be best friend Alexander was made a good ten pence, four buttons and a shoelace off my fluttering eyelids... The troupe was compromised of the most friendly people I had ever had the pleasure of meeting... They all acted like I was one of the family, and quite a grand and large family of wonderful people it was... Alexander once told me that I was a "Blessing Child" because the sky dropped me into their camp. Never knowing really what happened, I didn't dispute it, I enjoyed the warmth that they showed me, and was scared what might happen to me if it was found to be untrue... The next ten years were to be a wondrous adventure for me... Seeing the most amazing sites, the most extravagant people, it was a life where anything was possible, and permitted... I was free, but more importantly, I never had to leave home... I learned so much in the span of ten years, how to dance, ride horses, gamble, but more importantly, how to make friends... I never did get singing quite right, but you can't have everything... Just between us, if singing was everything, our troupe was penniless... Which it was of course, yet that didn’t matter, it would follow up to led me towards the next travels in my life...
Ever seen that one thing that fascinated you? You just couldn't take your eyes of it, not even for a moment because it's all you ever wanted? A necklace, a pastry, perhaps even a well crafted weapon, For me, it was magic was what fascinated me... But I was never the one to be capable of it, I would never take all the time to train my mind and lose the ability to live freely... Till the one day I met Allegro Chauncy, yes that is actually his name, but then again so is the name of any stage magician... He camped with the troupe for a week, stupefying even the cleverest man among us with tricks not one could emulate... Though the reason he stayed so long is that... Well I can’t be certain, yet I guessed that he was lonely... After that week there was no question in my mind I had to go with him... Seven years and a bit later, here I am, my skills in stage preforming much improved, my life more lived in, and I’m the same as I was then... Kard Wylder, nothing unique, not royalty, not granted powers by fairies and gods... Just traveling with the winds, watched over by fate, blessed with the luck of being free. Free in mind, and life...
As for the dream, I’ve been in it awhile now... Seven perhaps eight months... Time passes quickly when you have something to occupy your mind... Since I started dreaming I’m met more people than my mouth would care to speak the names of in one sitting... I doubt it’s possible before all the listeners would get bored and lose track of what had been said or not said... And I have accomplished much more than I had hoped to in my personal development, and have done much, in my way to help the dream and all those in it... I’ll outlast Invictus as a bachelor more than likely, and the titles that I don’t use are getting more numerous as the days go by... Teacher, Master Teacher, Council Member, DreamSmith, eventually, what do they all mean? What do they all add up to? I will never need to know as I will always be Kard, Professional Commoner, and human. I will always be human, as I cannot exceed that limitation... Yet in that, I will always be free, and will never complain about that... I suppose I have given you enough about me to last awhile, and I will leave you with one of my pieces of philosophy...
Every being is a song in the symphony of life, all struggling and straining to be heard above all the other conflicting melodies...”
May your path be blanketed in help and your mind in freedom... With sincere hope, Kard Wylder, Professional, Commoner.
Theory: The Geoformation of the Ossuary of Dread The Ossuary of Dread is one of the oddities of the dream, as much there has changed over the years it has existed. From a virtual paradise to well, you have seen what it is now, an Ossuary, a bone yard... Perhaps it would be best if you heard the tales surrounding it...
The Ossuary of Dread had three distinct stages of existence... Progressed from the Canyon of Noon Shadows to the Renegade's Lane following to as we know it now, the Ossuary of Dread... Each stage fantastical in it's own way, yet growing progressively darker, time after time... This is how it begun...
Syriand walked to Canyon of Noon Shadows again this dream, taking notice of the beauty, and stillness the Canyon provided on her daily walks. The west winds blew her hair into her face, and she brushed it back as she walked every few moments till she tied it back. She was coming to meet her fiancée this time, and spotted him not far off in the distance and hurried over, rushing into his arms and holding him tightly. They sat in a small patch of sunlight to enjoy a picnic, just between the two of them. No more studies for the afternoon, no more work, just time and themselves... Or so they thought, till Syriand's teacher Theros came along to speak with his student. He wanted to make sure that Syriand had finished her studies that would be required that evening, as she related to him the lesson she had learned...
"Decades ago Sir, you and your following spent countless hours, from a base in your chambers, shaping this place into what it is now; which is, a beautiful place that connects the planes of Lambent Flats and the Trinities. You designed it after somewhere you once loved...", Syriand trailed off and resumed after being subject to a stern glower, "Somewhere you once lived near on Cloudsbreak to make your personal mark on the dream so that you could never be forgotten. Seven dreamers perished in the ritual of creation..."
Syriand looked up at Theros wondering what emotions she would see cross his face, yet none passed as she continued, "which was taken as a hideous omen to the fate of this connection in the Rubicon Ring. Yet you continued the ritual regardless of what beset against you. Nearing the final stages of creation, where you needed to join it to the Threshold Ring, you brought more participants into the ritual of which I was one." Syriand smiled at her teacher with a taint of mockery, "...who consequently saved the connection to the circle of creation when I walked in. Eventually we made the connection with those through the Rings and established a joining.", Syriand, having completed her report, looked at her teacher who simply left with the knowledge she had done her work and left her to her own business as was his way...
The Canyon remained untouched until the commencing of the Entropy Coalition's experiments. The quakes they caused in the dream were brutal to the Canyon, as it had troubles beforehand, and the walls would weaken and tumble inwards, leaving rocks littering the Canyon's bottom and causing caves to form. The Canyon was eventually occupied by the Entropy Coalition who claimed to have created the Canyon in its present deteriorated state. It was called Renegade's Lane from then on as it was a site where the Entropy Coalition planned ambushes and hid from the DreamStrike Masters. It was there that is the resting grounds of some of the more well known dreamers, such as Sa-ko'or, Lady Thwompta, Hartisan the Red and Turgin Lambent himself... At this time Renegade's Lane was crafted into a more circular form with a series of one way passages to lay in as a trickster's plain, thus allowing the Entropy Coalition shelter in their efforts to spite the DreamStrike Masters...
Short years before the Great Loss, the setting is Renegade's Lane, yet another meeting of the Entropy Coalition at it's hideout, planning a counter offensive to the impending DreamStrike Masters' next assault... Many of the members weary from their attempts at holding one of their last "strongholds" of the dream... Many had expert plans drawn up, but the one followed was to be immortalized, forever....
Legumbor stood almost as motionless as a statue as he watched the entrance to the stairs like an avid hawk. No winds passed, no sunlight shone in, the only sounds those of his compatriots forging talisman after talisman and distributing them among those present to fight what would be an onslaught... Hearing sounds from down the halls Legumbor flinched yet stayed in his spot. Suddenly a gust of wind brushed past, and screams were heard as volleys of fire blasted in through the opening and struck the occasional man standing in defense leaving the walls scarred. Everyone present jumped to the ready and fired back with rage in the air and blood curdling screams piercing the stale air. No one knew why he or she defended the room behind them, but it soon became apparent that it was the intended target of the assault force...
Many a dreamer floated in the air weaving to dodge the blades of DreamStrike hearing the clanking noise of crystal Soul Essences falling from step to step... Turgin Lambent heading the attack force continually collapsed member after member of the Entropy Coalition as the soulspheres fled for safer grounds. Seeing an open path, the DreamStrike Masters started advancing down the stairs till a volley of shots came from an alcove collapsing more than three-quarters of the advancing force. As they retreated to heal the wounded, screams of eternity rang as half the soulspheres were run through by the DreamStrike of a crazed man with desperation radiating from his soul... Legumbor knew that he was the only one standing between Abel's attempt to release the chaos to stream up the stairs and wipe the assault party from the dream as he destroyed chakram after chakram emptying them of charges stationed in the alcove... It took the assault party seven attempts and two hours to remove this one man stand from the stairs, and as they rushed in to finish Abel's attempts, chakrams at the ready, Abel sat there in the room, almost as thin as a skeleton, a hole opening behind him... Turgin raises his hand to halt the advance, but someone rushed in to collapse and DreamStrike Abel... He was successful and held the DreamStricken essence in front of him as the chaos shot from the hole as it began to close... Those in the stairs took cover as Abel's Soul Essence exploded and the tiny fragments embedded themselves into the walls... The dreamer who went in there was blown by a furious gust of wind into the hole of chaos yet his avatar deflected the chaos upwards, creating the pit, the Darkened Passage, and the first connection ever to the Unknown...
These many efforts culminated in an event that was not intended... The Great Loss... There were thousands upon thousands of Soul Essences that were left just to sit in the halls of Renegade's Lane... The first returning dreamers found that the Great Loss' shock to the dream collapsed caves ruined halls and fused the Soul Essences into the rock for all eternity perhaps... Eventually when the two sanctuaries were erected, they were more along a tomb, morgue motif rather than the usual "haven" as sanctuaries were intended as... These sanctuaries were shaped from the very rock, the very Soul Essences, of deceased warriors from before the Great Loss... Now we know it both as a battleground and a "bone yard"... The Ossuary was quite possibly once very beautiful, and now, only beautiful to those that admires death in its pallor... Has the dream learned its lesson? Will Dread rise again and take another plane to its possession? History told it's story, now it's a chance for new dreamers to tell theirs.... Kard Wylder, Theorist & Dreamer
Pages of a Journal Day 23- The war started, over what? Ignorance, self righteousness, personal power? It's been two weeks since we last had time to be with friends, it's been horrendous just trying to last through the day and then you come up, tired, and exausted, and when the dream is left behind, you still remember the terror, the agony and pain from seeing your friends, suffer in the midst of combat... I sit here, writing, beside my terrified sister, too afraid to sleep, to afraid of the dream... She lays there, with bloodshot eyes at the horrors she has seen... Even here in the war torn lands of Balsgara war is not as heavy on a soul as these ones are... The both of us, close to running mad, hide in the sanctity of insomnia, the terror of sleeping just to be assaulted by another group of Illuminated clansmen is more than either of us can bear... I just pray that the dreams do not consume our souls as it has so many already... Day 27- After four days my sister succumbed to sleep again, her body racked with an illness to match, it's awful state, I did tr to keep it nourished, but to no avail, she needs to sleep and her sleep holds dream... Awful dreams, nightmares, repugnant nightmares that will devour her lest I help... I sit here, poison in my cup which might very well kill me should I drink it... It will keep me in the land of dreams, perhaps for weeks, perhaps my lifetime... Oh my poor Jaelle, I wish this curse had never been set upon you, I would gladly forsake everything I have just to save you from this travesty, this perversion, of dreams... What can I do to help you? I am no more powerful than you, I can only stand in the dream and help you to run... You are as hurt and confused as I am, as I am as you... Parker from the village asked about your health today, he does so much like you, I couldn't stand him going to waste so you must live through this, I will make sure of it, you cannot die on me, now or ever Jaelle, I come to save you from what lies in your path...... A shatter of glass was heard by a traveler walking past, yet paid it no mind, the candles had brunt out long before Day 30- My beloved Maranda, I do not want to believe what you have done for me... The sleep you mean to be short could last forever... Come back to me please, I beg of you... There is terror here in the village, the Morrisons came to check on us and we were both sleeping, for the two days that followed as well... They ask what sorcery has befallen us, and we can't tell them can we? Wake up Maranda; I can't deal with all this without you, I need you, please wake up, please... Day 31- I told them it was from a walk in the woods, I said the brownies cast a sleeping spell on us to bring us good fortune and luck and they believed me, I dealt with it all on my own and I did the shopping and the animals and the fields are being taken care of by the Morrisons but they want a few more pence this month, five pence to be exact and I said that was alright and gave it to them from what I have... Please wake up, you need to eat and to drink and to get away from that awful world, that awful and evil nightmare... They are just waiting to consume us in their quest for power... I hope they are die, I wish they would all die..... Day 33- If wishes were horses I told Jaelle when we were young... I told her that you should always beware when you are making wishes, they can haunt you at times... The worst o times more often... Hartisan came to the dream today with a formidable weapon, the soulsphere destroyer, some call it DreamStrike, but it's just an evil manner of death... The pains it causes, the terror, people flee even at his name... Who would have even though Turgin was cold enough to do this... Jaelle, you were so close to that blade, I will never again let you come near it like that... You must be careful, I am told things are almost done with... Things are almost over... I heard rumors that the attacks would be stopped, there would be no more deaths... How I wish they would stop... How I wish something would stop them.... Day 17- Even I don't listen to my own words... Just when I thought the nightmares would get better they have worsened... The nightmares are overrun with creatures, hideous, black, disgusting creatures who care not whether they attack man nor woman, and were there any, children and animals... The nightmare has been again corrupted by another group, this one called a Coalition, I know not more I don't want to know... It is all so horrible... It is worse than seeing Hartisan's maddened face and the gleam of his blade... The ooze from the monsters is putrid, it writhes almost with a life of it own whether on the ground or their bodies, and their bodies, how terrifying, how despicable, how utterly terrifying the tails the wings and claws, and the teeth, how the teeth are terrifying... They are merciless... The overrun everything... It is sickening and terrifying, poor Jaelle, I wish you did not have to bare this on your soul... Things have only gotten worse and we can do nothing but suffer, days of sleep, days of fearing sleep, it's all alike... This is nothing to look forward to... Fear, pain, screams of pure terror... That's all I see now... It's all I hear, even when I'm awake the sounds echo in my mind... It's so terrifying... Jaelle, I'm not sure there's anything left for us, but save hope, if you can we may still need it... Day 21- Lord Benfar says it's only two more days till we never have to worry again, I pray we hold out... We both sit tonight huddled about our candle praying that whatever he does will work, keeping out bodies awaken so that our minds can't suffer... It is a long night, and we've only been here an hour, at best... My eyes are again bloodshot from lack of sleep yet I persevere as I can... Mr. Morrison came over with his daughter Cathy tonight leaving us a good meal and a pot of tea, but I dare not touch it... Mr. Morrison always said I should rest better, and I trust him not, that is something vile... Sleep that is... No one should be made to suffer the nightmares one endures in sleep, they are a hideous mockery of a dream, of right and the beautiful things one can dream of... Two more days... Four dozen more hours... The madness is immense, the nightmares are here, in Cloudsbreak... Those beasts are here too... Nothing, I cannot endure it... Jaelle and I lay, and pray not to sleep, watching each other as to make sure we do not fall into the nightmare that seeks to demolish us... Not long now.... Day 28- I have not slept that well since I have not dreampt... Lord Benfar has certainly done the dream a great service, and I pray his name be remembered forever... Jaelle and I huddled together in the sanctuary, with our closest of friends, even with those we didn't to much know... It was a refuge, a refuge from the nightmare, from the creatures, from everything... There was much crying done, and few could think that Lord Benfar was still out in the dream trying to protect by creating these sanctuaries everywhere they would be needed, at intervals... We have been here days, crying, resting, breathing without fear of never taking another breath... Warriors stay here a moment, maybe ten, before they plunge out to battle the nightmares again... I am terrified for them now... Not for Jaelle and myself... But for those trying to save others.... Day 30- Life has returned to normal, so be it... The terrors in my mind washed away, myself working on the fields again, Jaelle gathering flowers and singing with a wilderness chorus... Maybe she will even catch the eye of that handsome man again... If I could remember his name... Oh how Lord Benfar has done magnificent work... We were in the nightmare for four days almost and it seems like a dream, divine and quiet... Restful and safe... Relminus and his DreamSeers looking into the beings as mare, Syriand and Lagumbar work on a treasure known as a pportal... Things seem like they are growing well again... Day 50- It has been a long time since I felt the need to write my thoughts... My life, my dreams, are nothing short of wonderful... I am to be married in two weeks time to the Lord of our realm, Sir Anderius Malorium, one of the greatest scholors in all the world... In a play I once saw, I was told: "Heros are born, heros die, and all we can do is try to remember... Remember who they are, what they have done for us... Perhaps even their names". Now that there is peace, and prosperity, perhaps the wars can end... There is a trail and blot of ink, at the end of a quill, left on the page, and there was never another entry made to the journal
The History of Train There has been many changes since the beginnings of teaching. This dissertation should leave you a little more enlightened than before you read it. The first detail I will go into dates back to one of the first teachers there was... One of the first dreamers that led the dream to teaching, was a man named Geoffrey Halander. He developed many of the arts on his own, which took years after his awakening. He was the first to ever research the congruity between the art styles that many had. In this research he came across a fascinating discovery about the dreamer avatar. The dreamer avatars are all in the similarity that they are in the mind of the dreamer, and created by such. This allows one to affect the mind of a dreamer though alterations of the avatar. Geoffrey kept this discovery very secret for a long time, he wished to exploit it, without the chance anyone else could first... Geoffery began to develop an art, under his Illuminated belief, to destroy the mind of a dreamer, similar to the art we know now as DreamStrike. But he was to make it an evocation, that would take the avatar of a dreamer, and rend it to pieces of energy, and use that energy to destroy the soul of the individual. None knew of his practices as he kept them very secretive, and it is likely that he would have succeeded in the development of such a vile art, were it not for an odd chance. He had recently taken on an apprentice, to aid in his life by doing menial tasks to save him time and effort that he may pursue his interests with more and more diligence. But as would any beaten down apprentice, this boy, simply known as Jerald was all too interested in finding out what the secrets were that his master kept. One day Jerald came across the work of his master and was appauled by what was being created. He spoke with one of the few powerful dreamers at that time and explained a bit of what he had stumbled upon. Knowing that if this art were to be developed, the dream would be oppressed by a man that he found cruel and unkind. Jerald convinced this powerful dreamer, who went by the name of Micaldon, that Geoffrey was planning to complete it within the month and that they both might be the first two subjects. Micaldon unaware that he was being deceived, agreed to help Jerald eliminate his master from the dream... It was one late evening when Geoffrey had been working very late and was tried as could be any madman at his desk all a night. Jerald secretly let Micaldon into the abode, the purpose to remove Geoffrey, which was done quite effectively. While Micaldon attacked Geoffrey unexpectedly and began to sever his connection to the dream, Jerald raided the study his master kept the information in. He took everything and ran out, leaving the two powerful dreamers to fight, and neither of them were seen for a long time.... Jerald made his way into a distant part of the dream, as he did not want to be discovered by either, especially after he has betrayed both of them. Jerald immediately destroyed all the information that his master had developed about the vile art, which was his main intension. He found that the research his master had pursued left many venues for improvement to the dream. He began to follow it with the idea to speed up the learning process, and he was only marginally successful. He simply did not know what processes could be followed to alter the avatar. Jerald only kept contact with his friend Alexander Moni, besides that, he was not willing to risk the information returning to the hands of a power mad dreamer. His continuation into the research found patterns that were to revolutionize the dream as a whole. Jerald eventually came across the idea of altering the mind, and soul, of a dreamer, rather than the avatar, and this proved to be a great success. He continued to develop his ideas, and after awhile, Alexander came for another visit, and they tested one of the theories Jerald has been working on so hard. After only a day of training, and using a mental link through the souls of the two, Jerald managed to teach a fairly complex art in record time. This was soon to be the end of his contributions to the dream. Jerald and Alexander lived in close proximity on Cloudsbreak. They shared everything from pennies to life. Jerald taught Alexander everything he could, and vice versa when Alexander learned something new. But there was a terrible accident on Cloudsbreak when a mine collapsed on Jerald. Alexander had little choice but to follow the ideas of his friend, for he knew that it would be a power not to be trifled with... Alexander unfortunately did not have the same goals as Jerald. His intentions were to gain more power, to make sure that Jerald would never be forgotten, by forcing into the minds of dreamers his accomplishments. Many days Alexander spent in study, his efforts in developing the art into a tangible form. He refined the art into the sense of being able to simply move knowledge from one mind to the next, not necessarily arts, but also facts. When he began to rampantly force into the minds of dreamers everything Jerald had done to aid to the dream, in his mind, it did not go unnoticed. Many dreamers were in desire for retribution, and sought the powerful to end the mental invasion that Alexander had begun... And one to learn of it was the surivior of the first battle over this art, Micaldon. He within days, found Alexander, assuring that it was for the benefit of the dream offered to help him retain safety in Cloudsbreak. Alexander, fearful at this point for his life, not knowing that Micalon had hoped all this time to gain the knowledge that had been now thrust into Alexander... After two years of captivity in both the dream and Cloudsbreak, Micalon had no success in pulling this information from Alexander, and devised a ploy which was an all or nothing idea. He took another five years to drive Alexander deep into insanity... At that point, he disguised himself as Jerald and came to Alexander, offering to free him and they could be friends again, and that he had escaped the accident. Alexander was too gravely ill of mind that he could not tell the difference, and after a short time of coaxing, provided the knowledge to Micalon, of his arts, his research, his life, and unfortunately, his insanity... At this point, Micalon killed the young man and returned to the dream, slightly ill of mind... He took on three apprentices, James Taggart, Leander Cross and Alena Cuthbert. They all gathered together, in the dream and on Cloudsbreak as for safety from their enemies. Micaldon taught them his knowledge, and expertise in the arts. James and Leander were both very eager and demanded he use his ability to transfer his knowledge to them at a rapid pace, which he did without hesitation. Alena did not agree with this practice seeing the derangement in her former friends eyes and was perhaps the first to create the art of Mind Blank to protect herself from any of their errand attempts to use it upon her. Micalon never understood why Alena refused the teachings, but never cared in his state, and eventually put his plan before his apprentices. He wanted to use and manipulate the dream, to control most of Cloudsbreak. And he had all three of his apprentices prepared well enough to carry out the plan, so he thought. The evening before they planned to effectuate this "takeover", three of them fell dead at the dinner table, the last wept in tears for the following months, an empty vial of poison never leaving her hand... Alena being the last survivor of what had been a group of insanity refined the knowledge into the form of the art Train, as we know it now. It was no longer a mind link as it once was to convey information along it. It was simply a transference of an ability from one to the next. Knowing too well the potential of abuse existed, Alena taught this to very few. They did not bicker, but the dream eventually found out, as a whole, what had been developed. Every powerful dreamer began to want this art, and it was instituted soon before her natural death, that arts would not be taught in this fashion, for fear of abuse, and her three apprentices agree to it, for the time being... Each took on their one apprentice, but only one. The reason was to continue passing down stories, but never the knowledge, unfortunately, Alena had agreed to take on her third apprentice, Ytenmal, a very sly man, who had worked his way into her service. He taught everything he could to his apprentice, through every means possible, including the forbidden art of Train. Eventually the other two apprentices did not return to the dream and could only be presumed dead and Ytenmal took this opportunity to continue his progression towards leader of the dream. He announced that he would capable of Training all in arts, and would do so in return for services rendered. He became very "wealthy" in the dream through this, people would bring him much, in the way of favors, power, artifacts and servitude. He had everything he could wish for, and one thing more than he had wished for, his apprentice Ethan... Alena did have three apprentices, the other two will always remain unnamed, but never forgotten. Ethan was their "spy" into what Ytenmal had done with his power... And Ethan was perhaps the most noble dreamer that had been in such a position in over two generations, the position to make a dramatic improvement to the dream. He met with a few of those who despised his master, their reasons their own, and organized for him to be dreamstruck. This happened after a good few months of planning, and it was a major impact on the dream. Ethan took everything that was gathered by his master, and put it hands that he trusted. He became a hero who had almost liberated the dream through such actions. He took on his own apprentices and devised a system for the use of the forbidden art. The system was lost with time, and a similar one rediscovered recently, but no one will truthfully comment on how it worked, as none seem to remember. In recent years, to skip a large amount of time, a system is now in place which requires a task to be completed for the teacher, no longer master, to grant the knowledge of an art. It was developed by a well respected, and still living, dreamer as we call Snowblind. It was a vast improvement on what had been set forth by the Lyrans of recent time. Many herald him as a good teacher, and an amazing man, and will likely for years... This has been just to enlighten those wishing to learn, there is much to be said for history, as it is nothing but a story, told by one soul, by what they saw. This is the story as the wind told it to me, perhaps those who were there had another story...
Sincerely, Kard Wylder, Professional Commoner