[1/9] My mentor was a wise man. He was not the first to discover the Awakening, a wonderful state of awareness in Dreaming sleep that permits us passage to the Underlight, but after much practice and study he was able to achieve this mysterious gift. He found ...
[3/9]With his formulae they created avatars to shield their minds from the unconsciousness that sought to tear them from their dreaming. Manufacturing tangible things from essence became possible, and they were able to create walls to shield themselves from outside
[5/9]Some developed a taste for violence while enjoying impunity in both Cloudsbreak and the Underlight. Others believe our discoveries will allow them to break down the mists, and see the Underlight as a tool for unification, or destruction, of our land.[6/9] The Illuminates are particularly awful, bearing their belief like religion and fervently pursuing their ends in whatever way necessary. The arguments grew louder and louder, and finally offensive Arts and Talismans were created as weapons in this [7/9] foolish war. Everyone wore honor like a badge, but in the madness honor lost all meaning. My mentor did not wish to train me at first. He then realized that the City of Dreams needed those like myself to stem the tide of absurdity and pass on truths of creation.[8/9] I was yet young when I helped him discover the secrets of essence, and it was only after I took a stand against the senseless bickering that he entrusted his entire knowledge to me. He then disappeared and I never saw him again.
Day 51: [2/2] Hartisan and Turgin have not had a moment's rest in the last seven days.
Day 67: [1/3]Unfortunately I have been teamed with an Illuminate, and daily I hold my tongue during his lunatic ravings about ethical conundrums and what he calls a "murderous art". I really have little ethical issue with what we are creating because I know that what happens to our avatars here cannot possibly affect our persons on Cloudsbreak. Such a ludicrous notion! What we seek is an art that will permanently bar people from dreaming, and hopefully clean bad blood from the city.
Day 79: [1/1]
The codex was inscribed by Mirii; it reads: We have completed it! It has not been tested, but Turgin is planning an assault on Threshold in a few days to set an example for the City of Dreams.
Day 80: [2/3]
Ulummu wept, as Illuminates are prone to weeping, and told us that we had done enough and it was time to end the killing. I think his words caused Turgin consideration, because he instructed us to cease our evocations.
Day 93: [1/4]
Strange things happen since we introduced Dreamstrike to the City. Dreamers cower in fear and the old clans begin to swell with initiates. It would seem at first glance that our mission was successful; but I fear that once these others consolidate [2/4]there will be greater wars ahead. Even as I write they populate the outer planes, erecting huge fortresses to defend themselves from their enemies. To this end I have considered joining my fellow freesouls whilst they construct their fortresses.
Tattered Journal Entries
[1/6]It is with a heavy heart that I write. The folly! A group that called itself "The Entropy Coalition" stood against us, engaged in questionable experiments in the hopes of removing myself, and any others associated with Dreamstrike, from the city.[2/6] In their short-sightedness they introduced the dark creatures from the outside they called "nightmares". These creatures spawn from chaos and seek to shatter our city and return it to chaos.
In an effort to correct the wrongs of the Coalition, the Overscanners [3/6] spent weeks repairing the walls, only to cause a massive sweep of chaotic energy rushing through the City and stealing away hundreds of Dreamers. There is no doubt those who have not been lost in the chaos have now lost the ability to Awaken.[4/6] The Illuminates believe them to be dead. Regardless, the chaos posses a real and serious threat to what we have built. I can feel in the surrounding silence that another storm is brewing outside the walls. I fear in my absence I have escaped the first[5/6]only to succumb to a second wave. We seek to heal the rift, but I do not know if it is too late. In any event, we must try.
[6/6] If this is the last I am to embark on the Underlight, let my name and words be known: I am Mirii, founding Dreamwright of the Underlight, and presently tragic victim to the folly of my fellows.