The Three Pretenders

With the discovery of V'loshitar's ancient journal, and the recorded memories of the Wizard Casting Adrift three into the chaos to preserve the rulership of three closed houses, great confusion arose in the Dream City. For V'loshitar sent three into the chaos who had no proof of authorization, thus the Wizard himself could not determine which of the three would be able to reopen their houses. With the Dream crumbling around them, V'loshitar rushed a ritual sending Brosh, Saggitar and Mi'raj into the chaos, hoping that at least one had true authorization to reopen one of the fallen houses. “All three of you will then be borne off into the Chaos, there to be protected, I hope, from whatever calamity is about to occur. But those of the future… those who bring you back, if you can indeed be brought back… they may in fact be bringing back only one “True Pretender" to an unoccupied throne of a destroyed house!"

Brosh was the first pretender to be summoned from the chaos. Munchkin, Breyd and Liondra, formerly of Dreamers of Light, began a group they called "Phoenix." Their goals were to form a house "based on honor and teaching." Unlike the other houses, phoenix upheld enlightened philosophies, believing that many planes coexisted in a balance, and that nightmares were the incarnations of dreamers trapped in an evil plane. In the ninth month of the Year of the Rebuilding, the group devised a ritual to summon Brosh from the chaos.

The ritual took place at the Bridge of Memories, as many believed the location to have a portal to the chaos. Munchkin relates that the ritual was based on the five pillars that support the house: "The granite is the pillar of honor, the defenders and warriors. The ivory is the pillar of harmony, responsible for knowledge and diplomacy. The jade pillar are the nurturers, they are responsible for supplying the physical and emotional needs of the members. The gold pillar are the greeters and recruiters, they work with new dreamers, helping them find their place in the dream. And the fifth pillar is the house itself, which is supported by the other four pillars." At the resolution of the ritual, Brosh appeared from the chaos, naming the three founders of Phoenix leaders of Entranced, and gave each an Entranced Egg.

The followers of the Union, a group begun by Jantoc, The Kestrel, and Kayla, were opensoul, and believed in draining essences to shape order from chaos, as the dream was once shaped from the abyss. Not long after Brosh was returned to the dream, Union members gathered to summon Saggitar from the chaos in the Rings of Passage, Edgeward Barrows. Members employed meditation to create a portal for the return of Saggitar. The day following Saggitar's return, several sensed Mi'raj in the unknown, and Saggitar descended to find the third pretender.

Those who sought to open the Keepers of the Eternal Shadow walked dark paths, and conflicts followed in their wake. But all cooperated in summoning Mi'raj from the chaos, gathering in Umbric Planes and shouting requests for Mi'raj to appear, chanting his name while pulling random from the chaos. The vast cloud of chaos opened way for T'kkar and Kruugaar to pour into Umbric planes, blasting the dreamers present. T'kkar's shouts seemed to proclaim Mi'raj a friend of the mares, and heralded the return of the Elder. Finally Mi'raj appeared, his cape flowing in a mysterious wind, his fists clenched. On his finger he wore the Keeper's ring, and a supernatural calmness suffocated the excitement of his return. "I have answered your call," he shouted. "…It is the house of Keepers that holds the secrets to forging the dream anew. Let this day signify the dawn from night, and watch as the shadows creep across the city!"

When at last all three pretenders were returned to the Dream City, they engaged in a great debate moderated by dreamer Belg, organized to help determine who were the true, and who were the false pretenders to the thrones of the houses. When asked to introduce herself, and defend herself as a true pretender, Brosh responded: "I was apprentice to Master Thoron, DreamSeer Guardian and Bard. I was ordained by Ruler Boethius. It was Ruler Boethius who sent me to Lord V'loshitar to be flung into the Chaos so that the Gathering might be saved and restored. I am not brave, I am not a warrior, I am a student. I do not know if I am the one true pretender. I only know I am the one true Brosh, and that should be enough."

Saggitar, when asked the same, responded: "I am the Senior Initiate of The Union of the Covenant and am currently aiding with my house experience the effort to re-open the portals to my home. I have stated publically that I am an orphan, my only family being the Covenant. My mother Trist and Leisha were killed, their souls destroyed totally by Nightmares. I was quite young and retain little memory of them, only of Ruler Hawlyn who took me in. I "grew up" understanding the ways of my house. Held many positions. My last before that fateful day with V'Loshitar being Ambassador at Large."

Mi'raj, interrupted by thunderous storms, had missed much of the debate, but returned to introduce himself, clenching his fist and shouting: "I am M'raj! Bringer of Storms, Keeper of Secrets of the ancient times! This ring is the heirloom of our home, and rightfully shows that I am heir to the House of Shadow. I am a gatekeeper teacher, and a defender of our home."

Memories of V'loshitar