The KABAL, The Penumbra, & Citadel Rediscovered

               iking through the city, you may eventually run into the Citadel. It is a beautiful complex of rooms holding altars to many of the first dreamwrights, and all of these meet in "The Nexus." Even before we first saw the Citadel, it was described by Yog-ka:

"Eventually (the Dreamwrights) developed the Courtyard of Awakening, weaving its essence in such a way that it would serve as a beacon for the newly Awakened. Now whoever experienced the Awakening would naturally be drawn to the small complex of rooms called the Citadel. Eventually a protective outer ring of rooms was built around the Citadel's perimeter, serving as the Threshold between it and the chaos. So was born the City of Underlight, and from that point it only grew bigger."

Years after the Great Awakening a group of Dreamers re-discovered the citadel in almost perfect form. Kellergeister was among that group, known as The Penumbra. Fortunately she agreed to share her story for this history.

"A dreamer by the name of Renaud arrived at the Union and announced that he spoke for The One. This happened a few times and eventualy two dreamers showed up named Prelate and Iden. They all claimed to be members of the Kabal of old. Apperently Iden made three constructs, named Rahib, Idris and Zeid, collectively known as the Protectors. At first they only growled like mares, so they were treated as such: as hunting trophies.


"One day the Protectors were seen DreamQuaking at each of the houses. This was a unknow Art at the time.The next day the houses were all closed. Naturaly the Kabal was blamed.

"At this time there was a group of dreamers who were dedicated to the greater expandsion of the Dreamscape. They were called the Penumbra. Through an alliance with the Kabal, the Penumbra had stewardship of three items much like house Primes. After a time of "feeding" these items, we decided to see what could be done with energy the items contained. Being aware of possible adverse effects of doing such experiments, we decided to create a safe haven to experiment in.

"We chose to make laboratory in the rock above the Chasm of Souls because it seemed like the most structuraly sound area... a solid piece of rock. We created small "charges" from the Artifacts and placed them in the rock above the Chasm. One of the GK Penumbra warded off the chasm and made a few runs through to make sure none could be trapped if the whole thing fell down. Then we had our Seer members blast and our Fatesenders Firestorm to set the charges off. Well, when the dust finaly cleared... we didn't have what we were looking to create... but a portal to the Citadel was uncovered. so all in all, the rediscovery of the Citadel was a big mistake."

Do you remember who was with you at the time?

"Yes..but i can not reveal who."

Is it a secret society, then?

"Yes.. it was kept secretive becasue of how the City was treating the Kabal,and those helping them."

Underlight Chronicles

Srechethan Kabal
Purple Lace

Purple Lace