The Naming of Fayd's Betrayal

               ur Interviewer rushes through Threshold with mixed emotions. Her enthusiasm becomes self-doubt as she turns questions through her mind: will those I want to interview percieve this as a waste of their time? have they repeated these stories to the point of their own boredom? Calysto composes herself and approaches Valourin, a seasoned dreamer, indeed, one of the longest-dreaming. Meanwhile, as Calysto plays these thoughts through her head, Valourin stands in great discomfort, her body burdened by the child she carries.

I was hoping you might have a story or two from the past you could share with me.

"How far in the past?"

Hmm... since the great loss.. preferably an event you participated in or witnessed in the dream. The older, the more interesting, but any story that sticks to your memory.

"Well I will skip the first two times Tehthu appeared and go to the third. During the second visit of Tehthu to the dream Gray Mouser had found himself in possesion of a Tehthu essence. This he gave to Fayd, a lyran of sorts, and a guardian of Dreamers of Light, though we did not know that."

Valourin chuckles slightly before going on more somberly.

"I had just made Third Sphere, I remember because I was seeking Fayd for a task for Paralyze. I located him in Caudal Rift so I went there. I found him in what is now known as Fayd's Betrayal, at that time I do not believe it had a real name."

"He was held in place by some force and could not move or talk and when I tried to evoke arts on him they were twisted and reflected back on me. I found out after some listening and snooping that when Mouser had given the essence to him, it had done something to him and held him there. Supposedly the only way to free him was for Dreamers of Light to allow Gray Mouser, a member of HC, to take the Dreaming Stone into Caudal Rift."

The guardians of DoL (we had no rulers): Artamor, Kasumi Keda, Carnach, Brain, Watcher, and myself, talked about this for many hours and it was decided unanimously to not allow Gray Mouser to have the Stone. One guardian wasn't there, LMBE, but he would have been out voted. That sounds cold I know, but remember Fayd was supposed to be a guardian and it was our opinion that the souls already saved and those we could save with the Stone were more important than any one other person and that if we, the guardians, were in that position we would want the Stone safe."

You didn't know he was a guardian yet?

"I found that out when I saw him, he had his emblem on, we had all thought he was an initiate before.

"The day that he could be saved came and I was the only Guardian dreaming, of course Mouser came to me, I told him we had decided to keep the Stone safe, he got upset and went to Caudal anyway. Then Sabra came to me and though I still believed in our decision her words were harsh and made me feel bad. I made her a deal, after a lot of arguing she said it may be too late or that the time would soon be at hand. I made an agreement with her, I would take the Stone if she would meet me at the house to act as an escort. She agreed but never did meet me there, she went straight to Caudal. So I gathered a couple members and went anyway with the Stone.

"When I got there, there was a strong wind and Fayd seemed almost gone. Despite many misgivings I gave Mouser the Stone but it was too late. Tehthu took Fayd's soul and entered the dream in the very spot he had been standing. Mouser gave me the Stone and I gave it to Gyrethyn to hold while I tried to fight Tehthu. The fight ended up at DoL in the Celebration Hall in the end Tehthu was defeated but since then has been able to dream. Also Sabra said that Fayd may return to curse the Dream, that I have seen as well though I have never seen him, it, do anything.

"So that is the third time Tehthu returned and the naming of Fayd's Betrayal."

What happened for there to be a room named after you?

"I am not sure, I just know suddenly it was named after me. Since then I have used it as the room I married Tan in, so now it is a special room for us both."

My last question is rather open-ended... is there anything else that you remember that might have had an impact on the dream, for it to be what it is today?

"Almost everying has an affect on the dream as it is today and how it will be tomorrow."


Our Interviewer meets Carnach in Threshold, and asks for a tale. Carnach relates a new perspective to this historical event:

In the days that followed shortly after the Loss, a handful of elder Dreamers walked the City. Numbered amongst them was a man named Fayd. He served with his fellows in the rebuilding of the City for a time. However, a darkness came to pass over him, as a Dreamer unwisely gave to him an essence of the dread fiend, Tehthu.

Fayd came to be paralyzed, as he struggled against the darkness threatening to overwhelm him. Grey Mouser, just a young dreamer at the time, sought to help Fayd, he believed that if the Dreaming Stone could be brought forth, and used to draw the essence from Fayd, and imprison it, Fayd might be saved.

At the time I stood amongst the Six, the first Guardians of the Light. We thought long and hard over whether to let the Dreaming Stone out of our secure home. We decided against it, but in the end, when Fayd's demise drew near, one Guardian went against the wishes of the others, and took the Stone down into the dungeons. Unfortunately, he was too late.

In a perverse twist of fate, the remnants of Fayd's spirit, corrupted by Tehthu, came to harangue and haunt the Light.

That is the true story of Fayd's demise.

Our Interviewer was also fortunate to receive this story, seen through the eyes of Gray Mouser. This was Mouser's Third Sphere Task for Fayd. Written in January of 1998, this tome adds another fascinating and first-hand perspective of the entire history:

ancient tome