The Entrapment of Fayd
I had been carrying the essence of Tehthu for some time. Foolish was I to think it would not corrupt me in some way. Deep down, I knew I should have turned it over to the House Guardians, but the essence kept me from doing so. All I could think about was POWER! Tehthu was still strong,
and had me in her grasp, making me greedy and hungry for POWER!
Then one day, as I talked with my 1st Fateslayer teacher, Fayd, he promised me that power if I was to give him the Tehthu essence. Quickly
I agreed and pulled out the vile, evil, dark emanating essence, and gave it to him. But alas, no sooner had I given it to Fayd, the essence seized control of him!! As he contorted and flailed, Fayd called out for help. I tried to take the essence back out of his hands, to help in any
way I could, but nothing...... He called out to me, "the Dreamer's Stone, I need to Dreamer's me...." Then he dissappeared in a flash.
Fayd reappeared in a place I could not go, the Caudal Rift. I ran to the Dreamers of Light and found Brain. I led him back to the spot where Fayd
had dissappeared, and we picked up Drewsky along the way. Realizing Fayd was now in the rift, we went to the Lost Caves entrance to the Caudal Rift. Drewsky was the only one of high enough sphere to enter, and he
did. He found Fayd frozen on a platform in the Rift, unable to move. Fayd did manage to tell him that the only way he could be freed, was if Gray Mouser handed him the Dreamers Stone. Others came and talked to Fayd in his frozen state and confirmed this.
So, I needed to be ascended to 3rd sphere, to enter the rift. Then convince the Guardians of Dreamers of Light to let me have the Stone to free Fayd. Quickly I received the approvals from 4 House Calenture Guardians, and Kelrith ascended me. I went to the Caudal Rift and Kyane showed me the spot where Fayd was trapped. Fayd was not presently dreaming, so I mapped the area and added it to my collection of maps.
I think the Guardians of DoL realize the plight of Fayd now, as they have told me that once Fayd reappears in the Rift, they will accompany me there. I just hope we are in time to save Fayd, and correct the tragedy I caused.
Fayd's Fate
Over the past week, Gray Mouser had been checking the Caudal Rift at every opportunity, to see if Fayd had returned. The platform over the rift and the Black Pit remained empty, except for the cold blowing
winds. He had also been talking with the Dreamers of Light Guardians, to see if they were going to help rescue Fayd, by letting Gray Mouser use the Dreamers Stone. Still no firm word as to what they would do.
Then, Friday night as he began to dream, Gray Mouser could sense Fayd calling out to him from the Rift! Quickly he ran through Threshold to see who would accompany him to help rescue Fayd. He found Valourin and told him it was time, Valourin said he must talk with the other Guardians, and let Gray know. In the DoL threshold, Gray met up with Valourin and Felion, two of DoL's Guardians. "Are you ready to go to the Caudal Rift and rescue Fayd? He is there, waiting!," Gray Mouser asked frantically. Sabra was also present, and she too could sense Fayd's plight. Valourin answered, "We are not ready to let the Dreamers Stone leave a DoL Guardian' hands, it is too dangerous," Felion nodded in agreement. A look of fear entered the Mouser's eyes, he pleaded, "You mean you will not try and save Fayd? One of your own Guardians? If we don't go now, he will die, forever!!!!" Sabra too gasped in disbelief, " You would let a fellow dreamer die? I can't believe it!" Felion looked at Gray Mouser and Sabra and answered, "The safety of all other dreamers in the city is at stake, the needs of the 'many' outweigh the needs of the 'one'. Fayd would understand this, as a Guardian of the Dreamers of Light. We will not give you the Stone." "Well at least go and see Fayd in the Rift, perhaps he can tell you what he thinks. Don't just let him die, I beg of you!", Gray Mouser urged the two Guardians. " me......" a faint voice entered Gray Mouser's head. Looking straight at Valourin, Gray Mouser angrily stated, "Well then, I am going to Fayd to see what I can do without you.....Since you are too cowardly to even go to him!" Gray then turned and stormed out of the room and raced towards the Caudal Rift.
As Gray Mouser entered the Rift, there was Fayd. On the edge of a platform, the cold winds whipping at him, the swirling chaos of the Black Pit below. "Fayd.......can you hear me?" the Mouser asked.....
silence.... "The DoL Guardians would not give me the Stone, what can I do?" A single tear ran down Fayd's cheek.....then he grimaced, whether in pain or anger, Gray Mouser could not tell. Fayd seemed to phase in and out a little, and begin to loose coherence. "NO.... fight Tehthu,
Fayd, don't let him win!" Gray shouted as he got a little closer to the edge of the platform where Fayd was being held. A sudden gust of wind caught Gray Mouser off guard, and he fell into the swirling elements of the Pit. Knowing that Shamblix lie in wait here in the Black Pit, Gray quickly drank a teal alteror and turned invisible.
Swimming over to the portal to the labyrinth, he quickly passed through and pulled out his map he had made earlier. Easily finding his way out, he ran back up to the top of the Rift, to Fayd. Gyrethyn was there now, standing well back from the edge. "Can you help him Gyrethyn? is there anything we can do?" Gray asked him. "No, without the Dreamers Stone,all is lost" the dreamwright stated plainly.
KAAABOOOOOOOMMMMM..............., the blast shook the dreamers as a bolt of lightning struck Fayd on the platforms edge. Fayd cried out as he crackled with the energy. Gray Mouser ran over to Fayd and tried to pull him back from the edge, but Fayd was held by some invisible and much more powerful force. Sabra, Shade, and Draigon appeared on the edge of the Caudal Rift now. Another bolt of lightning struck Fayd, lifting him up into the air! Leaping up and grabbing Fayd's legs, Gray Mouser clung
to his Mentor, desparately trying to hold him down. "There is nothing you can do for him Gray Mouser, he is lost," Sabra told him. Dropping back onto the platform, the Mouser raised his arms and shouted, "Curse you Tehthu!! You will die a hundred times for this!!.....". "Not here, Gray Mouser, don't say that name," Gyrethyn warned.
Gray looked back at the others, then Valourin appeared. "Here, I bring the Dreamers Stone, Gray Mouser, do what you must," Valourin said as he handed the DoL artifact to Gray. "It is to late, to late now Valourin,"
Sabra's voice called out in the howling wind. Gray reached up to Fayd and tried to place the Dreamers Stone in his hand. Even as he did so, Fayd's body lost all coherence, and a black ugliness which radiated evil formed in the spot where Fayd once stood...... Tehthu had been reborn..... "RUN, GRAY MOUSER, RUN..." the others all shouted at him. But a rage, born of the loss of his friend and teacher, had overcome the Mouser. Instinctively grabbing his chakram, he opened fire on Tehthu, at point blank range... Trying to knock the beast off of the platform, Gray was heedless of the blows Tehthu was raining down on him. When the chakram ran out, Gray Mouser drew his Fateslayer, and blindly started hacking away. The battle was uneven to start with, and how the Mouser lasted as long as he did is a testament of his rage. In the end, the soulsphere of Gray Mouser was blown off of the platform, into the abyss below.
By the time he found his way back up the the top of the Rift, the battle was in full swing. Gyrethyn restored the Mouser to an avatar, and he quickly healed himself with a fire element. Guardian Ghea of House
Calenture had also joined the battle with Tehthu on the top of the Rift. It was going badly for the six dreamers, as Tehthu was collapsing their avatars right and left. Someone shouted, "We need more help, we are too few for Tehthu!" By this time, Gray Mouser was hiding in the corner, trying desparately to heal again after being collapsed for the 3rd time, when everything suddenly went quiet, no wind, nothing.... "He's in the Harrow Glades," Ghea said. In unison, everyone ran from the rift, back
towards Threshold.
When he arrived in Threshold, word was already going around that Tehthu had been there. "Where is he now?" a dreamer asked. "Headed towards the Dreamers of Light House," was the answer. Gray Mouser ran up the path on Mt. Llapse, towards the House. Many other dreamers were doing the same. As everyone rushed into the DoL House, chaos reigned supreme. The Celebration Hall was filled with nearly two dozen dreamers of all beliefs. Freesoul, Illuminated, and Free Spirits were fighting and dying
side by side against a common enemy. Tehthu seemed unstoppable. But in the end, the dreamers triumphed, and Tehthu was nothing but an essence once more. Boggen had been trying to stop the other dreamers from attacking Tehthu. "It killed Fayd, Boggen" Gray Mouser stated. "Oh, I
didn't know that," Boggen replied. "No, it didn't kill Fayd," Gyrethyn intejected, "Fayd was transformed into Tehthu."
Gray Mouser began to cry.
Thus did Fayd, a great teacher and friend of Dream City, pass from our
Gray Mouser
House Calenture